Georgetown County Board of Disabilities & Special Needs
FOIA Requests
The Georgetown County Board of Disabilities & Special Needs complies with access to public documents as provided for in the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act (FOIA revised in May of 2017). We strive to grant access to public documents and records quickly and within the costs allowed by this law. Our agency does not have a records clerk, and any FOIA requests are to be addressed to the Executive Director to ensure proper notice.
Written requests may be delivered via letter, facsimile, e-mail, or other transmission means. Written requests should be precise and as specific as possible regarding details (names, dates, topics, etc.) to ensure an accurate response.
Submit written requests to
PO Box 1471, Georgetown SC 29442
or 843-546-1617 (fax).
In general, the FOIA gives public bodies 10 working days, excluding weekends and legal holidays, to reply to written requests and make a determination about the release of documents and records. The FOIA grants access to the information in the most convenient and practical manner for the requestor, if that also is most convenient for the public body. It does not require public bodies to make copies of documents or to create new records summarizing public records. We may impose reasonable rules concerning time and place of access.
FOIA requests which are particularly voluminous or time-consuming may result in charges to the requestor to recover the cost of public resources spent in fulfilling the request. Such charges shall not exceed the actual cost of searching for and/or providing access to or copies of the requested documents. An estimate of the cost will be provided on request, and a deposit may be required. A schedule of standard fees for various services is provided below:
Copies only:
Black and White $ .10
Color $ .20
Please refer to the SC FOIA law CHAPTER 4, TITLE 30 with regards to all other FOIA matters.